Padua – 2023

Padua – 2023


Headquarter Azuhr

Sculptural black facade defined by colored window openings

Power and elegance are the driving factors behind the design of this company headquarters complex. A elegant, high-end appearance was part of the assignment and brought to its fullest potential by a black surface building.

Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter
Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter
Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter

Black Surface

The exclusive prestige of the company’s branding is communicated by the monolithic black building. With a sculptural facade defined by colored window openings, its dark color is an eye-catching background for expressive architectural elements.

Panelli di Alluminio

The street-facing facades have been renovated and clad with matte black aluminum composite panels. The facades of the new internal courtyard, included between the building volumes, were treated consistently with those on the street front, with the same covering and the same material.

Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter

Foto © Moreno Maggi

Padova, I
Azuhr Holding

Reception environment

In addition to the elegant effect of black color, the observer’s perception brings the reflection of the sky to the eye. To enhance the reception environment, decorative green elements and water surfaces were inserted within the space. The new design involved the redefinition of all the spaces, establishing a synergy between working, exhibition, relational, reception and directional areas.

Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter
Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter
Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter
Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter

Double Skin

The design intention is defined by an important work of remodeling the external facades of the buildings, which originally were characterized by a highly industrial and anonymous appearance. The second skin gives rise to an architectural transfiguration from the original building generating a total new architectural and formal look. The facades have been renovated and clad with matte black aluminum composite panels. This chromatic choice wants to symbolize the strength of the company, thus transmitting it through their headquarter.

Industrial Environment

The intervention carried out is developed in the industrial area of ​​Limena, in the province of Padua. Originally the buildings were characterized by a highly industrial and, at times, even anonymous appearance. These did not appear as a united body and were not uniform with each other. The aim of the project was to make them appear as if they were a single volume which also conveyed the importance and solidity of the company. This desire was achieved through work on the facades, where, thanks to a unique covering of the fronts, not only a visual but also a volumetric unity was created, thanks to the construction of an internal courtyard which exploited the original layout of the buildings.

Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter
Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter
Black Architecture - Azuhr Headquarter

Movement effect

As regards the flooring, it was decided to have a black porcelain stoneware flooring, to create visual continuity with the covering of the vertical surfaces surrounding the space. Again for the walls, the proposal was to insert cuts with glass portions in order to mark the regularity of the covering, creating a more lively effect.



Alessia Maggio
Luca Bertolini
Silvia Marmiroli
Nasim Masoumi
Salman Sadeghi

Corradini S.r.l.




UDAD Award
100 Progetti Italiani 6^ Ed.
IAA – Chicago Athenaeum